Our Certified “Soft-Wash” System has been used throughout the country
Our process has been used to succesfully clean and treat more than 100,000 roofs just like yours. Our process has been fully approved by all shingles manufacturers including ARMA (Asphalt Roofing Manufacturers Association). The “Soft-Wash” process is also recommended by all insurance companies. All of our products we use to clean the exterior of your home are 100% biodegradable! Having your roof cleaned is recognized as general maintenance.
Exterior Cleaning Services take care of all your home’s cleaning needs.
There is no easier way to improve and maintain your property than keeping the roof and exterior surfaces cleaned. The dark-stained areas and streaks on your roof is actually the result of algae and bacteria that are feeding, growing, and spreading on your roof.
In addition to making roofs look unsightly, these algae (Gloeocapsa Magma) can damage your roof and reduce its warranted lifetime. If algae are left untreated it will cause premature deterioration of your roof shingles, which may cost you thousands of dollars to replace.
We never use any form of equipment that involves high-pressure. The use of high-pressure will not only damage your roof, but it will also void any existing warranty that your roofing materials may have. Many companies claim that their process is “low- pressure” when in fact they are simply “dialing down” the PSI (pounds per square inch) output of their high-pressure units.
Another cleaning method you will want to avoid is one that involves the use of an “aluminum disc” also known as a “surface cleaner.” This equipment has been designed strictly for hard surfaces such as driveways, walkways, tile floors, etc. A surface cleaner simply rinses away any dirt and debris without killing it. In fact, this method actually spreads the bacteria, which causes your situation to be much worse the following year.